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Job Details


Executive Producer


Reporting to the Editor, the Executive Producer will oversee the production and editorial content of a significant number of editions of Panorama each year. The producers of these individual films will report directly to the Executive Producer who will will be responsible for delivering the projects to the Editor for final sign-off.

Role Responsibility
Your role will be to deliver high-quality films based on revealing and trustworthy journalism for Panorama. You will be expected to cover the mainstream body of Panorama output including fast turnarounds and, as appropriate, investigative output. As well as increasing the creativity and ambition of the strand you will ensure that the programme continues to deliver high impact output across a broad range of subjects. Identifying, prioritising and interpreting current affairs stories for the BBC One audience is key along with working towards attracting and retaining younger viewers.

Please refer to the job description for further details on duties and key tasks of the role.

Are you the right candidate?
You will be someone with an excellent track record as a creative long form programme maker for Network television, with strong journalist instincts and substantial experience of working on high quality current affairs programmes.

You will have proven ability to balance long-running projects with occasional fast-turnarounds and reactive films. You will have have excellent knowledge of editorial guidelines and BBC and statutory policies and regulations relevant to current affairs programming and have demonstrated sound editorial judgment in a fast moving environment.

You should have an up-to-date understanding of the programme's target audience, BBC's diverse audiences and their needs and expectations and a good understanding of the digital and impact opportunities available that can be used to develop the programme's reach and brand.

Demonstrable experience of leading, motivating and managing teams is essential along with the ability to encourage and influence teams to embrace change and adapt positively to new ways of working to ensure the ongoing success of the programme.

Date Approved


Deadline For Applications


Job Title

Executive Producer



Remote Working Options

Not Applicable



Contract Type






Minimum Experience

3+ Credits

Preferred Genre Experience

Not Specified

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