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Job Details


VFX Line Producer


Partner with the Visual Effects Supervisor to lead crew in fulfilling the Client's vision -- on time and on budget, while maintaining highest quality of work.

Primary Responsibilities
Budget and schedule, in collaboration with ILM Management; and for managing overall Client relationship.
Meet with clients to review scripts, breakdowns and storyboards for a specific project.
Partner with Key Creatives to develop the approach for creating the effects work and provide clients with estimates of budget & schedule requirements needed to complete the work.
Prepare bid letter, key dates schedule, and assumptions for the work of a specific project.
During production, serve as principal client contact for non-creative issues, tracking and reporting progress of work, budgeting and negotiating cost of work, and delivering cost/schedule changes to ensure client is updated as needed.
Create, organize, and maintain overall project schedule.
Manage crew performance. Supervise assigned production staff.
Estimate project budgets and initiate cost controls for each production.
Evaluate EFC and work with production accountants to provide management with early, consistent, and accurate EFC reporting.
Participate and oversee work on-set as required.
Play a proactive key role in marketing ILM's services to the industry.
Share responsibility for the success of the entire ILM portfolio by proactively managing schedule; utilizing ILM's global resources and 3rd party partners, where appropriate.

Additional Notes
The role may require weekend work depending on show schedule
The role may also require:
travel for client meetings and/or plate shoots
work on the same schedule as first or second unit production

Education / Experience
Bachelor's degree in Film or related field or equivalent work experience required.
Five years work experience in production management to include strong working knowledge of Visual Effects techniques and terminology.

Required Skills / Competencies
Proven track record of delivering high end VFX across a range of episodic television genres.
Strong understanding of the pace and production process of episodic television
Proficiency in Macs/PCs including Microsoft Word and Excel.
Must possess very strong organizational and communication skills and be able to handle a variety of tasks in an efficient manner while meeting deadlines.

Date Approved


Deadline For Applications


Job Title

VFX Line Producer



Remote Working Options

Not Applicable



Contract Type






Minimum Experience

3+ Credits

Preferred Genre Experience


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