
Applications Closed


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Job Details


Digital Content Officer

Newark hybrid HYBRID

You will be a motivated and proactive self-starter, who thrives working as part of a fast-paced marketing and
communications team. You will be experienced in creating, analysing and evaluating impactful organic content
across different digital channels and segments to reach new and existing audiences. You will enjoy delving
into data and embrace a test and learn culture, using insights to adapt content to maximise engagement. You
will be adept at communicating with mass audiences, with a creative flair and ability to create clear and simple
messaging. You will be enthusiastic about keeping on top of digital trends and putting your knowledge to good use.
You will have excellent communication and inter-personal skills and feel comfortable working with a wide range of
people from across The Wildlife Trusts federation and externally.
The Wildlife Trusts value passion, respect, trust, integrity, pragmatic activism and strength in diversity. Whilst we
are passionate in promoting our aims, we are not judgemental and are inclusive. The Wildlife Trusts want our people
to be as diverse as nature, so we particularly encourage applications from people who are underrepresented within
our sector, including people from minority backgrounds and people with disabilities. We are committed to creating
a movement that recognises and truly values individual differences and identities

Date Approved


Deadline For Applications


Job Title

Digital Content Officer


Newark hybrid

Remote Working Options

Hybrid Working


up to £28,000 per annum

Contract Type






Minimum Experience

1-3 Credits

Preferred Genre Experience

Not Specified

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